Sign up and show your support for Simon Week 2022

75 / 200 pledges

The Simon Communities of Ireland are proposing that the government bring 5,000 vacant properties into use in 2023 through the Repair and Lease Scheme (RLS). These homes could be allocated to people in homelessness and on the social housing waiting list – particularly single people.

You can read our proposals here 

There are over 166,000 vacant homes in Ireland. All the while 10,568 people are homeless. Pledge your support to our campaign and help us to forward creative solutions to the housing and homelessness crisis.

We support the Simon Week 2022 Policy Proposal: Vacancy and Homelessness

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Becoming a Simon Advocate with the Simon Communities of Ireland means making a difference against the housing and homelessness crisis through advocacy, learning and connections. We are determined to drive positive change in policy through innovative research, advocacy, collaboration and communications; we want you to be part of this.